METIS-II was an EU co-funded project that started on July 1st 2015 and ended on June 30th 2017. The total project budget was close to 8 M€ and around 100 researchers have worked in the project during the project lifetime.

At a very high level the the project results can be summarised in these three main areas:

  • 5G Overall RAN design based on novel technology components
  • Definition of the 5G KPIs, development of the evaluation methodology and evaluation of the METIS design vs. the KPIs
  • Development of a 3D visualization platform for easy demonstration and interaction with project results

The consortium consisted of 23 partners, with vendors, operators, research institutes and academic institutions in the mobile industry. When composing the consortium care was taken to including the main influencers in the industry. Another aspect considered was to ensure continuity from the METIS project.

In the deliverable D8.3 “METIS-II final project report” the outcomes of the project are described in an easy-to-access style.
