METIS-II Kicked off on July 2-3
The METIS-II project was kicked off in a warm and sunny Paris in the beginning of July. We had two days of good discussions and also a very nice social event in the classic Parisian restaurant Bouillon Racine.
Although the project has only officially started we have actually spent some time during the spring to work on the output that we will deliver in the end of September, so we spent quite a lot of time on actually working on the first deliverables.
In the end of September we will have initial results on the design of the 5G access network as well as the first iteration of how to do system evaluations as well as a set of relevant KPI (Key Performance Indicators). In additions we will have a set of scenarios suitable to base our work on and a view on spectrum.
Since summer and vacation periods is upon us we also spent some time on getting started on the rest of the project so that people can work in a distributed manner until we meet again in September.